TUNE IN: Ross Lee stars in 'The Keith Lemon Sketch Show'...

Did you know our man Ross Lee is currently undertaking various roles in 'The Keith Lemon Sketch Show'? Luckily he's a brilliant actor with a good sense of humour...

In last week's episode of the latest part of the Keith Lemon franchise, Ross appeared in an 'Embarrassing Bodies' sketch with the carrot growing out of his arse.. Hence the photo! If you seen Ross being hilarious already, we strongly advise catching it up on ITV Player which you can do from here: https://www.itv.com/itvplayer/the-keith-lemon-sketch-show 

Don't miss Ross in this week's episode playing 'Mr Poundland' in a spoof sketch of 'Downtoon Abbey'. Thursday night at 10pm on ITV 2. BE THERE OR BE SQUARE.

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